Saturday, March 29, 2008

Hey, guys, I am dying to upload a photo, so check back here next Saturday or Sunday and hopefully I will get a chance - today I was responding to a lot of individual emails and will not have time, as my Peace Corps escort out to Tawa Fall - my homestay village - leaves in 20 minutes.....

Thank you so much for all the love and support sent me. It seems that the only way to take this is one moment, one step at a time. The precious wisdom that has been sent me by my peers has been priceless, so thank you all. You are in my heart and my thoughts! A lot of volunteers were in the pub drinking beer today after class and nothing wrng with that but my Saturdays are for my friends and family at home, period. For those who I have not heard from I hope to, soon, I love hearing news from home and other parts of the world. I love you guys, you are my rock!

So, this experience is going to have many ups and downs, as anyone's life is bound to....when everything hits you at once it is kind of tough, but I am saying OK, I am here for a reason, I believe in the higher cause of all of this, and if I can change for the positive one person's life, in Africa or anywhere, then I have done my job on this Earth! And it just so happens that I have this opportunity to do this here, now. I cannot think what it will bring or where it is going, but I am willing to wait out these tough times to see what unfolds, it certainly is an adventure!

And people who say this will only make my practice and spiritual life and eventual yoga teaching stronger are speaking a lot of sense....thanks for helping with my greatest fears. You are alltoo amazing for words, period.

OK, here is a quote that will hopefully get me through to next week, inshala. The other volunteers and myself will be in the training centre overnight again this Thursday for Independence Day, on the 4th, so looking forward to that, too! Have a great week everyone, may you only walk in light! Love, Trace (PS - you can translate the following into whatever you need to in your own lives to make this coming week a little easier)

"We are here to serve the Seengalese people, this is our main goal. Our personal ambitions and growth experiences are important, secondqry goqls, and can be accomplished only within the action of serving the communities and individuqls zho invited us to be here, who welcome us into their homes." - Peace Corps Senegal

Talk to you next week inshala!

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