Sunday, April 27, 2008

Demist Family

Here we have a shot of me with the women of my new homestay family I just had for ten days. I got really close with this family, they were so much fun....after the initial shock-all-over-again of adjusting to homestay life, new personalities, a new vibe, slightly different dynamics and lifestyles to my homestay family in Thies, it was so rewarding to have met and really befriended them.

My name here was "Mari Mar," named after my "sister," the girl in white to my left, my namesake! These are some of my "sisters" and my "mom" - Kine, Mari, Cordu, Fama....The girl to my right, pictured, was my special friend there - Fama - she was definitely my soul mate of that homestay, although again, I loved all of the people in my family. I will post more about them next week - the boys were hysterical, and Fama and Dam, in particular, are really talented, they performed in the Earth Day play production (now, don't picture what you'd think of as a school play in the states, it is different!)

I will write more next week. I will also post more pics of Senegalese, I have loads that I am dying to share, this culture is so special, they love to have a good time and tease each other and laugh so it is lots of fun - and they are great dancers! The Wolofs, gotta love 'em.

Now you have seen the training center and some of my friends - samay xaarits - and you need to see more of the culture. We'll both be emersed more and more in that together as the time passes, inshala. That is the key to "success" - whatever that is and will illumine itself to be as time passes - here.

Love you all lots!! Jamm ak Jamm (peace and peace). Alhumdolilah.

1 comment:

Bob said...

I am your colleague Patrick’s dad. Thanks for this wonderful BLOG. There are several other BLOGs from your group that my wife and I have seen that have chronicled your time in Thies. Many of you have taken and posted pictures also. Good luck from Mrs Heyer and I in moving into the next phase of your Peace Corps adventure!